Development & Training
Your Career is a Journey
A job at KHS&S is a great beginning. But it’s only a first step in becoming the professional, craftsman or leader you are destined to be. That’s why KHS&S offers training and development opportunities to give you the knowledge and skills you’ll need to succeed.

Operations Training
Whether you work in the field or office, your industry is alway changing. And as an industry leader, KHS&S is typically ahead of the pack. KHS&S offers group training to make sure every employee knows the latest process, procedure and best practice.
Life Training
KHS&S not only wants employees to succeed at work, we also want them to succeed at being healthy, being safe and being responsible citizens. Customized by location based on the needs of the workforce, training has ranged from CPR to fire safety to self defense.

Lean Training
Part of our Lean culture means continuous improvement through ongoing training. From intensive bootcamps to Lean coffees and on-site lessons learned reviews, we provide teams the tools to perfect Lean processes and learn new means and methods to improve quality, efficiency and reduce waste.